
About Us

Nicole Cui

As we all know, our school mascot is not a living lion but rather a student in a fursuit. Although I’ll be unable to get us a real lion, I can get us a real leader ;). My name is Nicole Cui, and I'm running to be your Vice-President for the 2021-2022 Student Council. Since becoming a part of the WLMAC community almost two years ago, I’ve been involved in a plethora of clubs such as HOSA, DECA, MCPT, and more. After clubs have gone virtual, I continue to actively participate in multiple online activities. I was elected as Valedictorian for the graduating class of 2019, and I have plenty of experience from my previous school’s Student Council. As a member for two years and President for the last, I had the opportunity to hold initiatives and represent the council on multiple occasions, including school performances and community events. My past experiences have molded me into a well-fitted individual for this position. At the same time, I know exactly what it is like being a student at Mackenzie. As Vice-President, I will see through fulfilling all feasible initiatives, and help to manage school clubs. Ultimately, should you elect me, you’ll find a dedicated VP in SAC, and maybe even a lion prowling the hallways.

Justin Lu

In a role defined by the leadership of clubs, I am simply put the most eligible and experienced candidate for Vice-President. The duties of Vice-Presidents are to manage school clubs and set up their success. Having served every year possible since Grade 10, I've been on Student Council for 2 years, in addition to President of Tech Team and Vice-President of the Flounder Newspaper. You've seen my impact on the school through my videos (ex. Much Ado About Zoom Class, Beginning of the Year Montage, Athletics Recaps, etc). This year, I spearheaded the new Mackenzie KTOM Discord server in order to provide more equity for students, serving an audience of 400 students the latest school and club news. As the only VP candidate with SAC experience running in-person events, I'm also more able to prepare events like the Semi-Formal dance, MACtoberfest, etc (only 3 candidates have 2 years, and the others are candidates for presidents). Executive Position: SAC (2y), MCPT (1y), Athletic Council (3y), The Flounder (2y), The Lyon (1y), Arts Council (1y), Tech Team (3y). Team Member: Yearbook (1y), Drama Production (1y), Badminton (1y), Concert Band (2y), DECA (2y). Member: MSC (most points of any grade :D).