
For two years, I've been releasing various video projects on my Youtube channel, from fast-paced edits to short documentaries to hackathon demos.



Design, Video, and Video Editing

Since the end of Grade 8, I've spent some of my spare time practicing challenge problems on sites like, and occasionally, Although I've stopped doing many problems, I have a newfound passion for problem setting, some of which have been published on under the handle skyflaren.

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Competitive Programming

Java, C++, Python

A year ago in May, I first started learning, starting with basic HTML and CSS. Over the year, I've picked up some JavaScript, and on occasion, used the Django style for hackathon projects, like

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Web Development


This January, I attended my first hackathon, and enjoyed the 24 hour rush of conceiving, creating, and pitching a project. Over the past five months, I've attended three more hackathons, learning about APIs, web development, and more.

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APIs, Web Dev, Django

From a small interest to a creative outlet, I've nurtured a passion for photography, covering events such as our school's Grade 9 Day, Hockey Buyout, and Students Say No protest. On my instagram, I post primarily portraits of others, as I love showing humanity, through the emotion on a person's face, to the scenery they're in.

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Portraits, Events, and Short Edits

Over the course of about a month, KennethRuan and I made a COVID-19 themed pixel art autoscroller in Java. Available for download at our Github, it's the biggest game I've coded so far, and the proudest I've been for an ISP

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At The Counter

ICS4U Java Final Project